Good day everybody! We just realized that we haven't posted our Random Acts of Kindness update! It's been a fun and heartwarming week so far. Below are what some people have done submitted this week.

I bought someone's drink in line behind me at Starbucks. Who doesn't love to have their drink paid for? Hopefully it started a chain of good deeds!

I bought water and granola bars and handed them out to homeless people this week. It felt so good to put a smile on some people's faces!
Jasmine: First and foremost, I became a RAKtivist. I felt that joining the team would keep me motivated to continue doing kind acts even after the event ends. Secondly, I decided to take a trashbag (AND GLOVES) with me on my evening walks. I noticed that there are lot of discarded water bottles and trash on the streets of my neighborhood, so I thought to myself, "Might as well clean while I walk". It's been going pretty well so far. Since there's less trash, the view is a lot more pleasant, and even though it's a small thing I still feel pretty good about helping clean up the neighborhood a bit.