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Jasmine Curtis, OTS

1-2-3 Magic!

Do you feel like you have no control over your child? Do you constantly find yourself having to yell, spank, scream, or argue with your child? Are you constantly having to tell your child “stop?” Does it seem like everything you do or say goes in one ear and out the other? Are you finding yourself getting more worked up and feeling like you are going to explode? Are you tired of going through that same routine with him/her repeatedly? What could be the missing piece to all your struggles is the proper discipline for your child. Dr. Thomas W. Phelan wrote a National Parenting Publications Awards Gold Winner book entitled “1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12, 6th edition,” which addresses the task of disciplining children 2 through 12 without yelling, arguing, or spanking (1-2-3 Magic, 2018; Phelan, 2016). The program offers easy-to-follow steps to immediately manage troublesome behavior with patience, reason, and compassion. Parents and teachers learn how to encourage and respect children’s growing independence with 10 strategies for building self-esteem. Discussed further within this book are the 3 most important qualities for parents or teachers to exhibit to foster competence in their kids. The book provides tips on how to make mealtimes more enjoyable, encourage children to start doing their chores, prevent homework arguments, and conduct effective family meetings. This award-winning program discusses the importance of establishing and maintaining a home or classroom with fair and consistent discipline. The revised addition includes suggestions on how to avoid over-parenting, build children’s social skills, and apply the program within mental health agencies and classrooms.

Occupational therapist here at All Care Therapies typically recommend this book to parents who are struggling or having difficulty with controlling their child’s behavior. Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns!

Other books written by the author include:

  • “I Never Get Anything!”

  • “All About Attention Deficit Disorder,”

  • “Surviving Your Adolescents”

  • “Self-Esteem Revolutions in Children”

  • “Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder”


1-2-3 Magic. (2018). 1-2-3 Magic Parenting Books. Retrieved from 1-2-3 Magic:

Phelan, T. W. (2016). 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 (6th ed.). Sourcebooks.

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