In occupational therapy, there are many ways to motivate your child to practice their fine motor, sensory, and sensory-motor skills at home. Here are some apps and game that will assist in their development:
iPads and Tablets:
Temple Run and Fruit Ninja with visual scanning and tracking as well as sustained attention skills
Dora ABCs and ABC tracing games are great apps to improve handwriting and letter formation while also making it enjoyable for your child.
Cookie Maker and Pizza Maker are sequencing games that help children follow multi-step directions and improve sustained attention skills
UnBlock Me and Where’s My Water? are challenging cognitive and problem-solving apps that work these higher-level skills in a more creative way
Xbox Kinect and Nintendo Wii:
Wii Fit Plus: Focuses on coordination, balance, and body awareness
Wii Sports: Can improve hand-eye coordination and timing of movements
Dance Dance Revolution: This game can increase a child’s strength, vestibular input, endurance, and following sequences
Kinect Dance Central: This helps with gross motor imitation and strength
Kinect Training: Improves endurance, strength, proprioceptive input
Kinect Sports: Improves timing of movements and hand-eye coordination
Reference: 12 iPad, Xbox, and Wii Games That Help With Occupational Therapy - Friendship Circle - Special Needs Blog. (2017, April 07). Retrieved from http://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/2013/03/19/12-ipad-xbox-and-wii-games-that-help-with-occupational-therapy/