Kinesio taping, also known as KT tape, is a method of applying a latex-free cotton tape to the skin to provide stimulation to weakened muscles. While KT tape is not a long-term solution, when worn for extended periods of time it can elicit retraining of the nervous system, easing of pain, promotion of circulation, proper anatomical alignment, and increased functional performance. For increased benefits, KT tape should be left on for 3-5 days, until the ends begin to peel or roll back.
KT tape can be used for a variety of conditions such as, but not limited to:
Shin splints
UE hemiplegia
Shoulder impingement
Back pain
Sprains and strains
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Lateral epicondylitis
Cervical strain
Postural correction
Frozen shoulder
Application & removal tips – KT tape customer service. (n.d.). https://support.kttape.com/hc/en-us/articles/8567439385367-Application-Removal-Tips
Does kt tape really work?. Hartford Hospital | Hartford, CT. (n.d.). https://hartfordhospital.org/about-hh/news-center/news-detail?articleId=44120&publicid=395
Jaraczewska, E., & Long, C. (2006). Kinesio® Taping in Stroke: Improving Functional Use of the Upper Extremity in Hemiplegia. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 13(3), 31–42. https://doi.org/10.1310/33KA-XYE3-QWJB-WGT6